Using of Mobile Phone Before Bedtime Having Bad Effects in our Health

Did you know that there are 6.8 billion people on the planet and 4 billion of them use a mobile phone? While before going to sleep, it is a part of our habit to check out social media and other applications using our mobile phones.

In fact, admit it or not, you already aware with the harmful effects of using mobile before sleeping but you’re doing it repeatedly. In the long run, realizing this fact will come closer to ruin your health.

As this issue are being rampant, it becomes seriously damaging our health because of radiation coming from mobile phone happens to everyone in result this problem is getting intensely dangerous and disturbing.

Mobile phones contain numerous unwanted health effects cause of its blue lights that are being emitted.

By simply using our mobile phones and exposing under the sun they both contain blue light which means there is no difference. Blue lights have been included in the light spectrum which is normally a group of colors in the ray of light.

If you are being exposed to that kind of light at night with high levels of the mobile phones that is becoming extremely harmful for the human eyes.

Our eyes are one the most important part of our body, without eyes you could not even do something else.

For further details, here are the facts regarding our health using mobile phones at night which includes:

It might Cause Cancer:

Melatonin is a powerful antioxidant and it is the natural weapon of the body in fighting against cancer, but by using mobile phone at night it is being blocked by the blue light.

Increasing the risk of cancer, particularly breasts and prostate cancer if light at night will elevate which can be result to disturbed sleep.

In addition, perhaps the biggest red flag is the World Health Organization (WHO) classification. In 2011, the WHO finally took a position on the issue and classified cell phone radiation as a possible 2B carcinogen. True, the WHO did only classify cell phone radiation as a possible carcinogen, not a probable carcinogen.

But a growing number of experts believe this classification does not sufficiently protect the public. Then there are the thousands of peer-reviewed studies which support the claim that mobile phones cause cancer.

There have been multiple studies into whether or not cell phones cause cancer. Aside from mentioned above, these studies link mobile phone radiation exposure to many other types of cancer, including:

Cancer of the Pituitary Gland
Thyroid Cancer
Melanoma Risk
Stem Cell Cancer
Parotid Malignant Tumors
Lymph Node Cancer
Eye Cancer

Using of mobile phones continuously at night leads to severe health issues. If this happens once, it might become a big health problem.

Disturbs the sleep

Researchers from the University of California, San Francisco say they have confirmed that sleep deprivation is magnified by exposure to a kind of blue light emitted by the devices. And missing sleep can instigate deadly diseases, such as obesity and depression.

As we have mentioned above, blue light has the ability to damage with the production of melatonin, and this hormone controls the sleeping cycle of the body.

Melatonin is a hormone produced by the brain’s pineal gland; it triggers the body’s natural rhythms. Light is part of what regulates melatonin in the body. As the body produces melatonin, the body’s sleep rhythm kicks in. That’s interrupted by the phones.

An individual lacks sleep, the crooked sleeping cycle will result to bigger health problems, which includes the following:

Other effects of using mobile phone:

It will damage your eyes

This can also damage of both retina and muscular degeneration, which results to the loss of central vision or the ability to see things in front of you, as well as cataracts.

You will gain weight

You will effortlessly get depressed

Issues with cardiovascular

Your memory alertness will be affected

You will look odd and old, slower response time
Using of Mobile Phone Before Bedtime Having Bad Effects in our Health Using of Mobile Phone Before Bedtime Having Bad Effects in our Health Reviewed by Admiin Artikulo on July 31, 2019 Rating: 5
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