Your Earwax Can Indicate Your Health And Conditions: What Color Is Yours?

The ear has earwax or also called cerumen, this is normal to the ears and it is natural to have this.

The earwax is important because it prevents debris, dirt and other things to protect the ear canal. The earwax has 4 colors of yellow, white, brown and black, the texture can also be soft, hard or flaky.

What is the normal color of Earwax?

There are 2 normal color for earwax, color yellow- brown and white-gray.

Yellow-brown earwax is normal and the texture is soft or wet.
White-grey color of earwax is also normal, the texture of this is dry or flaky.

Note: the person’s earwax color may depend on a person’s ethnicity and health.
Other Earwax color and Discharge:

Yellow and soft means that newer earwax
Darker and firm/tar-like means older earwax
Flaky and pale means older earwax that has moved to the outside of the ear.
Blood-tinged earwax means that there is a scratch in the ear canal, ear injury, or side effect of wax removal.
Runny and cloudy this means an ear infection.
Black color means earwax buildup, foreign object in the ear, and compacted earwax.

The earwax is a normal thing, this may be different in texture and color but you find something different and suspicious consult your doctor. If your earwax may be different in smell or colors like blood or it hurts it is recommended to make an appointment to your doctor for check up.

Guide on How to Clean Ears at home:

The first thing you must know is that ears do not need to be cleaned specifically and the earwax doesn’t need to be removed.

To clean the ears you just have to wash the outside part of the ear with a cloth or wash cloth. The cleaning of the ear does not need to be done internally or inside of the ear.
Your Earwax Can Indicate Your Health And Conditions: What Color Is Yours? Your Earwax Can Indicate Your Health And Conditions: What Color Is Yours? Reviewed by Admiin Artikulo on June 18, 2019 Rating: 5
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