This HERB Proven To Treat 75% Of Tumors And Scientists Confirms Tumors and Cyst Never Grows Back

Blush wood also known as yellow wood, is a plant that has exceptional medicinal properties that are thought to be very useful in the fight against tumors in near future.

Scientists artificially induced 300 animals (cats, dogs, horses, Tasmanian devils) with tumors and melanomas. Fortunately, 75% of them were cured with the extract of the berries.

According to scientists, tumor subsequently not returned.

They believed that the ingredients contained in the berries kills tumor cells, direct the blood stream of the infected tissue and stimulates the immune system to actively decompose the remaining tumor.

Unfortunately, the plant has its limitation. This plans it difficult to grow outside the northern Queensland.

Luckily, there are other gift from the nature that have a similar effect on the tumors, these are some of them.

Hemp oil – A month of use

After a 4 years of chemotherapy that additionally ruined his life, this man started using the oil illegally, but it was worth it.

Hemp oil saved his life and kills tumor cells. He’s just one of the numerous cases that prove the effectiveness of hemp oil.

Carrots – Eight months

Ann Cameron was able to cure colon cancer in stage 4 by drinking only carrot juice, without radiation, chemotherapy and changes in diet.

She refused chemotherapy and decided to follow Ralph Cole’s steps, the man who claimed to have cured his cancer by drinking 2 pounds of carrot juice daily. In 2013, the cancer was gone, all swollen lymph nodes carcinogenic have returned to normal.

After eight months of drinking carrot juice, the cancer is completely gone.

Graviola – Very efficient!

Numerous studies that are done in secret since the 1970’s have shown that this plant successfully kills cancer cells in our body and 10,000 times more effective than ordinary chemotherapy.

This HERB Proven To Treat 75% Of Tumors And Scientists Confirms Tumors and Cyst Never Grows Back This HERB Proven To Treat 75% Of Tumors And Scientists Confirms Tumors and Cyst Never Grows Back Reviewed by Admiin Artikulo on July 01, 2019 Rating: 5
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