Easy Guidelines To Order PSA Birth Certificate Online

What to expect when fixing government or legal documents here in the Philippines such as PSA birth certificate (or any PSA document such as a marriage certificate, death certificate, or CENOMAR)?

We commonly experiencing such long queue in every window, whole day or worst more than a day process and if unlucky enough you may encounter some government employees who are unapproachable.

These are the scenarios that usually we experience and we should exert needs more patience, time and money in complying documents.

Also, another common struggle that some people don’t have time due to their work schedule therefore they need to take leave.

Thankfully, the documents we need is now can easily order online and it can be delivered to your home or office address.

All you have to do is log on to the PSAHelpline website and choose the document you wish to order. It is hassle free, simple and easy to order online.

Below are the easy guidelines step by step:

1. Log on to the PSAHelpline website at www.psahelpline.ph and click on the ORDER NOW button.

2. Choose the type of certificate you wish to order. You can only choose one type of document per person, but you can order up to 20 copies of the same document.

3. Indicate the purpose of your request. If your purpose is not included in the list, you can choose “Others”.

4. You will be taken to the application form page. Here, you will be asked to type in your and your parents’ information. Always double-check the entries before submitting your form to avoid errors and delays in your request.

5. If you had any corrections or amendments done to your certificate (correction of misspelled name, legitimation due to subsequent marriage, annulment, etc.), please indicate it on this page.

6. You will be asked for the information about the requesting party or the person who is making the order. Make sure to indicate the correct name spelling and choose the correct relationship of the requesting party to the owner of the certificate (if the requesting party is not the certificate owner).

7. The checkout page will allow you to review the details you submitted. When you are sure that all entries are correct, type in the delivery information on the delivery address fields. Make sure to tick the small certification box to confirm that you have read and understood the Terms and Conditions and then click on the continue button.

8. You will be taken to the Order Confirmation page so you can double check all the entries you made. This is also where you will be issued your REFERENCE NUMBER. You will also be asked to print out a Letter of Authorization (LOA) if someone, other than the owner of the document, will receive the certificates.

The list of payment channel options is also available on this page. You can choose your preferred payment option and just click on the green arrow to show you the details you need to know when paying through that particular channel.

9. After you have chosen your payment option, you may now proceed to the payment center or bank to make your payment. Remember to bring your reference number with you when paying.

If you wish to check the status of your order, you may simply log on to the PSAHelpline.ph website and choose the CHECK STATUS button found on the home page.

Easy, right? Did you know that you can also order your PSA birth certificate (and other PSA documents) through Facebook? It is possible! Visit us again tomorrow for the step-by-step process of ordering your birth certificate via Facebook Messenger.

You can also order your birth certificate by calling the PSAHelpline hotline at (02) 737-1111. Whether you order over the phone or online, the documents’ prices are the same:

a. Birth Certificate – P365
b. Marriage Certificate – P365
c. Death Certificate – P365
d. CENOMAR – P465

Note: The rate already includes the processing and delivery fees. You can now visit their website now at http://www.psahelpline.ph

See? It is just easy right? Just follow these guidelines mentioned above and if you order online surely you will save a lot of effort, time and money.
Easy Guidelines To Order PSA Birth Certificate Online Easy Guidelines To Order PSA Birth Certificate Online Reviewed by Admiin Artikulo on July 01, 2019 Rating: 5
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