Good News: To ALL FIRST-TIME Job Seeker Complying Documents Will Be Absolutely Free (Republic Act 11261 or the First Time Jobseekers Assistance Act)

Real talk: your job search isn’t going to be easy especially for those who are first time to search for a job. It will require perseverance, confidence and the ability to handle uncertainty and stress.

Your ultimate goal is clearly to find a job, but it’s a pretty hefty one, and as you know, a goal without a plan is just a wish.

You should be doing several things in preparation for and during the job search, including: preparing and customizing job search documents, creating a target companies/universities list, expanding your network (e.g., conduct informational interviews, attend conferences); and preparing for interviews.

Aside from exerting effort and time you will also spend money for the preparation to find a job, particularly the documents need to comply.

Good news! In order to lessen your expenses since this is your first time seeking job. Last April 10, Duterte signed Republic Act 11261 or the First Time Jobseekers Assistance Act.

According to Sen. Joel Villanueva, Senate labor committee chair, “We warmly welcome the signing of our bill into law as this will financially aid our youth in finding employment”.

Here is the copy of the law was released Tuesday.

On this Republic Act, President Rodrigo Duterte has signed a law that would waive government fees on documents needed by first-time jobseekers for their employment.

Under the law, government agencies and instrumentalities will not collect fees or charges from a first-time jobseeker provided that the fee is paid in connection for the application and the granting of documents usually required in the course of employment locally or abroad.

The following list of issued documents covered by the law:

Police clearance certificate
National Bureau of Investigation clearance
Barangay clearance
Medical certificate from a public hospital
Birth certificate
Marriage certificate
Transcript of academic records issued by state colleges and universities
Tax Identification Number
Unified Multi-Purpose ID

Other documentary requirements issued by the government that may be required by employers from job applicants

In order to be able in availing the benefits, for those who are first-time jobseeker need to present a barangay certificate declaring that the individual is truly a first-time applicant.

Note: The waiver of fees shall not include those collected in connection with an application to take a professional licensure examination, application for a passport authentication and red ribbon documents from the Department of Foreign Affairs, application for a Career Service Examination and application for a driver’s license.

So Good Luck First-time job seekers! This good news will surely give you motivation and determination to find a job particularly for those who are fresh grad and starting to search their job for the first time.
Source: Helloging
Good News: To ALL FIRST-TIME Job Seeker Complying Documents Will Be Absolutely Free (Republic Act 11261 or the First Time Jobseekers Assistance Act) Good News: To ALL FIRST-TIME Job Seeker Complying Documents Will Be Absolutely Free (Republic Act 11261 or the First Time Jobseekers Assistance Act) Reviewed by Admiin Artikulo on May 15, 2019 Rating: 5
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