6 Pressure Points To Relieve Your Stress, Emotional Issues, Anxiety, Calming Nervous System And More

Stress is common to many individual it can affect anyone at any age, although stress can sometimes be positive in terms of performance.

But most of the circumstances stress is always negative, it gives negative effect on both mind and bodies.

So to reduce the stress here is some pressure points you can do to make stress a lot more easier to handle anytime and anywhere.

Pressure Points that can reduce stress:

Ear – this is the best stress relieving point, it gives an effective provider of relief in anxiety and emotional issues.

To do this simply massage the ear with a cotton bud or a pen then take a deep breath yet slowly, doing this together with the massage will definitely give you instant relief.

Chest – the center of the chest point gives an effective provider of relief in anxiety and emotional imbalance. To do this use your 3 fingers to massage this point, this technique will help in calming the nervous system.

Stomach – this point is being preferred by many reflexologists because it helps create movement that frees the chest and diaphragm that will effectively improves the breathing.

Forearm – this point inside the elbow is very effective in relieving distress, anxiety in the chest. Simply apply the pressure inside the elbow points in both arms one by one to get relief in anxiety.

Palm – in the meridians (an energy channel) this point is very important as it affects the heart, liver and pancreas. At the moment you press point on this area you will feel an instant relief, like stress evaporating.

Foot – this point is located at the side of the inside of the foot, applying pressure on this point helps in total nourishment and the balance of the circulation throughout the whole body and mind.
6 Pressure Points To Relieve Your Stress, Emotional Issues, Anxiety, Calming Nervous System And More 6 Pressure Points To Relieve Your Stress, Emotional Issues, Anxiety, Calming Nervous System And More Reviewed by Admiin Artikulo on March 18, 2019 Rating: 5
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