Important Things to Consider in Avoiding Errors On Your Child’s Birth Certificate

As a newly parents one of the top priority needs to accomplish is the birth certificate of your child. Birth certificates perform a variety of functions in our society.

They tell us who we are, where and when we were born, and to whom we were born. For most of us, a birth certificate is an immutable document that guides our identity; allowing us to receive a social security card, a driver’s license, and a passport.

But eventually, there are still instances that in a birth certificate will have an error. Parents, relatives or any hospital staff can commit some errors in registering the child’s birth.

We all know that every detail in a birth certificate should be correct because this is the primary document that can be given in every individual as an identity.

There are some errors that can be restored but there are also some cases that you need to check first to a lawyer or it will be undergo to court proceedings.

Also there are inquiries like, if the parents of the child are not married; can the child carry the surname of the father?

Either the errors are hassle free or not, it is important to know the list on how to avoid errors. In order to help especially the parents to avoid some error issues which can be costly to restored, here are the things that need to consider that follows below:

A. If the parents are not married and they want for the child to carry the father’s last name:

As per RA No. 9255, these are the documents that the parents need to submit upon registration of the child’s birth:

Affidavit of Admission of Paternity – signed by the father.
Private Handwritten Instrument
Handwritten by the father
Duly signed the father
He must expressly recognize the paternity of the child during his lifetime.
Affidavit to Use the Surname of the Father
Filled out and signed by the father
You may ask the hospital to provide you with a blank form of this affidavit.

The child will now be able to carry his or her father’s last name, by virtue of the affidavit that is permanently attached to his or her birth certificate.

B. For married parents- bring a certified true copy of the following upon child’s birth registration:

PSA Marriage Contract
Photocopies of valid IDs

C. File your child’s Certificate of Live Birth within 30 days from the time of birth.

Note: If you fail to file your child’s birth within this prescribed period, his birth will be considered “Late Registered” and you will be required to present additional documents.

D. Inform your OB and other medical staff who will be attending to your delivery what last name your child will be using.

Note: Medical staff will tag your baby as “Baby Reyes” or “Baby Cruz”. Make sure they know whose last name the baby will be using (yours or the father’s if you are not married).

E. Decide on your baby’s name ahead of time.

Note: You need write down your baby’s name and make sure the spelling is correct.

Also inform your doctor and the medical staff of the name you wish to give your child. Give them the correct spelling.

F. Do not fill out forms when you are too tired from the delivery or still sleepy from anesthesia.

Note: Usually in this situation errors happen. In order to avoid this, assign or tell to your partner or husband to accomplish the forms or your parents. Also to avoid typo errors and oversights, make sure you have all important information listed down already before going into labor.

Source: MasterCitizen

Important Things to Consider in Avoiding Errors On Your Child’s Birth Certificate Important Things to Consider in Avoiding Errors On Your Child’s Birth Certificate   Reviewed by Admiin Artikulo on August 09, 2019 Rating: 5
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