4 Easy Steps to Whiten Your Yellow Teeth, Eliminate Plaque and Tartar Accumulated

A lot of people hide their smile in public due to they’re self-conscious about the bad color of their teeth and has a yellow smile.

Currently, whiter teeth such as thick, shiny hair is something that numerous people in our cosmetically driven world fancy.

However, the mineral deposit on teeth is also called tartar can trigger periodontitis if you do not care and increases the portion of it.

Of course, the perfect way to eliminate tartar is simply visiting your dentist, but another solution is to eliminate tartar at home.

You have to prepare the following:

Antiseptic mouthwash
Baking soda
A cup
Dental pick
Hydrogen peroxide


1st STEP
- Blend 1 tbsp. of baking soda into ½ tsp. of salt in a cup.
- After you wet the toothbrush using warm water, soak it into the solution. Scrub your teeth by it and spit after. Resume the same method for 5 minutes.

2nd STEP
- Blend ½ cup of water and a cup full of hydrogen peroxide, then gargle your mouth using it for 1 minute, then spit and wash using ½ cup of cool water.

3rd STEP
- Rub your yellow tartar teeth using a dental pick. Be watchful not to abrade the gums due to it may irritate and harm them.

4th STEP- Wash your mouth using antiseptic mouthwash, do it twice a day.

Below are the extra tips to help you keep your lovely smile:
- Brush your teeth habitually using soft brush and create vertical movements. Focus on the space between teeth and gums.
- Floss habitually.
- Eating spicy foods activates salivary glands. That way saliva cleans the mouth naturally.
- Combat bacteria using orange peel by rubbing your teeth before you go to sleep and do not wash your mouth after.
4 Easy Steps to Whiten Your Yellow Teeth, Eliminate Plaque and Tartar Accumulated 4 Easy Steps to Whiten Your Yellow Teeth, Eliminate Plaque and Tartar Accumulated Reviewed by Admiin Artikulo on August 02, 2019 Rating: 5
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