Don't Panic If A Deceased Loved One Visited You In Your Dreams, They're Sending You A Message

There are some certain reasons why we dream about them. It’s either they want to talk to us, gives message or maybe a sign of something might changes our lives.

Dreaming about our deceased love ones leave a memorable impact in our lives.

Losing someone you love is probably the most painful thing you will ever feel. It's hard to cope up but it's more harder to accept if you still have something to tell them but wasn't able to because they died unexpectedly.

This leads people to wish to see them for the very last time even in their dreams. But is it really possible for deceased loved ones to visit us in our dreams?

Lauri Moore, a professional psychic medium who also teaches us how to tell if we are being visited in our dreams.

According to Laura, when a deceased relative comes to you in your dreams, it is an actual visitation. That is them coming to visit you, to give you a message.

This is called a “Visitation dream”.

These dreams are mysterious and some people believe they are sending some signals. Some of the common characteristics of the visitation dreams are the physical features of the departed person during the dream and the emotions you feel during the visitation dream.

Often, the deceased appears younger and healthier than before they pass away. They send the message that your beloved ones are OK and still near you.

Dreams can be very powerful, and they are a very powerful way to communicate with the other side, says Moore.

She added that the reason why it's actually easier for spiritual entities of all kinds to communicate with us while we are sleeping is because, we are in that “in between place” between our Earthly reality and “the other side of the veil” (the spiritual world).

During this time, our rational mind and our ego are not engaged. Things can happen in our dream world that we would normally stop or discount while awake.

Try and remember your dreams, and if you don’t or you haven’t been dreaming about your deceased relatives, it might be because we are still grieving and it is just not time, or you are, and you just don’t remember.
Don't Panic If A Deceased Loved One Visited You In Your Dreams, They're Sending You A Message Don't Panic If A Deceased Loved One Visited You In Your Dreams, They're Sending You A Message Reviewed by Admiin Artikulo on July 03, 2019 Rating: 5
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