3 Bad Eating Habits That Causes Indigestion, Acid Reflux and Stomach Bloating

Being fit and healthy is not a one sleep dream, it needs discipline hard work and a lot of quitting habits.

A lot of us want to be healthy and get that sexy body but we are not aware that we are doing it wrong by conducting our daily habits.

Being bloated, constipated and acid re-flux are just associated factors that are connected to our eating habits and most of the time we are not even aware of it.

To be more aware here are the habits that you should avoid to relieve stomach bloating, constipation and acid re-flux.

Habits that you should avoid after having a meal:

1. Drinking a lot of Water together with your Meal

Water is the best but drinking it together with a heavy meal can lead to stomach problem like indigestion and afterward bloating.

Right Drinking of Water: You should drink a lot of water an hour before you are going to have your meal. If you have to drink with your meal take a little sip at a time to avoid bloating.

2. Consuming a lot of Starch and Protein in a One meal Course:

Proteins are needed for the body, it is an essential nutrients to complete a body’s nutrient. The starch has also a big role to digestion as it digest the other foods into simple sugars to be easier to digest.

Consumption Remedy: Consuming food with starch first before having some protein filled food is the best solution. Having small portions at a time with foods filled with protein and starch will also do it.

3. Drinking Ice Cold Water during meal:

Ice cold water can cause the blood vessels to tighten, this will prevent the ability of the body to digest food smoothly and will be hard for the body absorb more nutrients.

Remedy: Drinking a water with a room temperature or having a hot water or tea is best to take before a meal.
3 Bad Eating Habits That Causes Indigestion, Acid Reflux and Stomach Bloating 3 Bad Eating Habits That Causes Indigestion, Acid Reflux and Stomach Bloating Reviewed by Health Blogger on May 11, 2019 Rating: 5
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