How To Heal Tooth Decay And Reverse Cavities Using This Easy Natural Method

We all wanted to wear a perfect smile and long lasting fresh breath. Oral health is one of primary aspect of our lives but is often taken for granted. Your mouth is a window into the health of your body.

However, tooth decay and cavities are the most common oral health problems that anyone can have.

Tooth decay is a formation of plaque, sticky film of bacteria and a destruction of your tooth enamel, the hard, outer layer of your teeth.

While cavities is bigger hole when left untreated and don't cause pain in the beginning but in the end you will realize it will cause more problems.

How the Oral health problems occur and its risk factor?

They usually occur when eating and drinking foods which contain sugars trapped in the teeth for longer time, the bacteria in plaque produce acids that attack tooth enamel.

Usually, there are a number of steps required for cavities to form, starting from the loss of tooth mineral (demineralization) to eating all the way through the tooth to cause a cavity. Cavity and tooth decay risk factors to watch out for:

Eating and Drinking: All are started here! The fact that we all have to eat and drink to live, there’s no way to avoid this, but it does play a significant role in the formation of cavities. When you eat or drink, carbohydrates remain on your teeth until you brush.

Even after brushing, you may not be able to remove all food particles or carbohydrates from your teeth. Foods that tend to cling to your teeth can increase your risk for a tooth cavity. Make sure to brush your teeth regularly, especially after drinking such as milk or soda, or after eating dried fruit, dry cereal, hard candy, caramel, taffy, raisins, sugary cereals, cookies and breath mints.

Bacteria and Acid: Obviously most of people don’t like to think about it, bacteria naturally live in your mouth. When these bacteria digest the carbohydrates that linger on your teeth and in your mouth, acid forms.

Poor Oral Hygiene: When the food trapped into your teeth for a longer time. Not brushing your teeth regularly allows plaque to build up and attack the tooth enamel.

Dry Mouth: Did you know that saliva helps wash plaque from the teeth? That is why, if you have a dry mouth with very little saliva, plaque may build up more quickly.

Plaque Formation: Knowing that plaque is caused when bacteria, acid, food particles, and saliva all combine in your mouth. This plaque adheres to your teeth and builds up over time. The acid in plaque attacks the enamel of your tooth and eventually can cause holes in your teeth, otherwise known as cavities.

Medical Problems

It can contribute to a tooth cavity by causing acid from your stomach to flow back into your mouth. Identically, bulimia increases the risk of a tooth cavity when the teeth are exposed to stomach acid during frequent vomiting. In addition, some types of cancer treatment that expose the head and neck to radiation can promote a tooth cavity by changing the makeup of the saliva to promote increased bacterial growth.

For preventing oral health problems such as tooth decay, cavities and gum infection is to brush your teeth regularly. It is advisable at least 2 minutes for twice a day, one in the morning and another before bedtime. Using floss for at least once a day, also clean your tongue on a every time you brush and gargle mouth wash.
Moreover, there are also another ways how to maintain your good oral health care. Here are the natural home remedies for oral health problems:

Clove Oil

Facts: Clove is rich in minerals such as calcium, hydrochloric acid, iron, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, and vitamin A, vitamin C and a powerful compound called ‘eugenol.’ Clove anti-microbial and anti-septic properties of clove oil makes it perfect for treating cavities, bleeding gum, bad breath, tooth ache, sore gum, and mouth ulcers. That is why clove is one of the most important ingredients to in treating dental or oral conditions.

How to apply?

• Dilute clove oil with sesame seed oil, pour couple of drops in a cotton ball and put at the end of the tooth which has the cavity. Do this every night before going to bed.

• You can try also by keeping a whole clove under the tongue after eating is also beneficial. Chew lightly on the clove and keep it under the tongue. This is a breath freshener and will keep the teeth and gum strong.

Note: Using excessive of clove oil is not advisable because this is only for temporary relief.

Salt with warm water

Facts: Actually, gargling involves filling the mouth with comfortable amount of fluid so that you can close your mouth and create a motion by a stream of air from the lungs. It is more effective for oral health if mixing with salt. Salt has a component of antiseptic and antibacterial. It can treat the cavities, soothe the pain and can kill bacteria that will form in the mouth.
How to apply?

• By dissolving at least 1 teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water. Then, gargle a mouthful of this mixture in your mouth for a minute, concentrating on the affected tooth. Repeat this treatment for about thrice a day or until you feel relieved.

• You can try also, by combining around ½ teaspoon of both salt and a little amount of mustard oil or lemon juice in order to create a paste. Carefully massage the gums with the use of this mixture paste for some time and then wash your mouth with water. Do this treatment for at least twice a day for several days. This formula can combat pyorrhea, swollen gums, toothache, and bleeding gums as it strengthens the gums and kills the germs.


Allicin is the component which may found in a garlic, it has an antifungal, antiviral and antibacterial. Allicin has also been shown to help fight oral flora imbalance. It does this by controlling the bad bacteria that cause dental disease like cavities and gum disease. Garlic is also a good food for strong teeth.

How to apply?

• Wash your hands before preparing a paste, grind 3 to 4 cloves of garlic and about ¼ teaspoon of rock salt. Next, apply it on the affected tooth. Let it sit for at least 10 minutes before washing with the use of mouthwash. Just repeat this for about twice a day for several weeks in order to lessen cavities.
• Alternatively, you can try also rub garlic oil on the affected tooth for faster relief from pain.
• It is best way of consuming raw garlic on a regular basis can also give effective results.


Facts: Turmeric is well known of its anti-inflammatory properties particularly in Ayurveda Medicine. It can assist in maintaining the gums healthy and to prevent both tooth decay because of bacterial infection.

How to apply?

• Simply apply some amount of turmeric powder on the affected area. Then let it sit for several minutes before washing thoroughly with the use of warm water.
• As an alternative, you can try combining at least ½ teaspoon of turmeric powder with a little mustard oil. By massaging both of your teeth and gums you can use this mixture. Let it sit for around 10 minutes before spitting it out.
• You can used this remedies once or twice on a daily basis for several days.


Facts: Wheatgrass, with its high amount of bacteria-fighting chlorophyll, detoxifies your body and eliminates the conditions that cause harmful bacteria to damage your gums and teeth.

It contains also with Vitamins A and E together with minerals such as iron, calcium and even magnesium, which are important factor for healthy and strong teeth.

How to apply?

• Chewing some amount of wheatgrass gradually and thoroughly. This has been considered as a healthy exercise in order to make both of the gums and teeth stronger.
• Alternatively, by combining one part of wheatgrass juice with six parts of water. Gargle it to your mouth for several minutes and spit it out. Do this treatment for around 2 to 3 times a day.
• Also best way is to consume at least ½ glasses of wheatgrass on a daily basis on an empty stomach as a preventive measure in order to battle against cavities.

Top Ten Dental Hygiene Tips For A More Thorough Clean

• Use Proper Brushing Technique
• Brush Enough
• Pick the Right Brush
• Floss Properly
• Use a Mouthwash
• Clean Your Brush
• Change Your Brush
• Use a Tongue Scraper
• Stop Snacking (particularly midnight snacks)
How To Heal Tooth Decay And Reverse Cavities Using This Easy Natural Method How To Heal Tooth Decay And Reverse Cavities Using This Easy Natural Method Reviewed by Admiin Artikulo on April 30, 2019 Rating: 5
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