5 Benefits Of Phil Health That You May Not Aware Of

Nowadays, there are a lot of illnesses and diseases discovered and still keep on searching for a better treatment and remedies. Health is the ability to adapt and manage physical, mental and social challenges throughout life.

As defined by the World Health Organization (WHO), health is "a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.

Here in Philippines, we have government institution that will secure our benefits specifically in our health concern.

The Philippine Health Insurance Corporation (PhilHealth) was created in 1995 to implement universal health coverage in the Philippines.

It is a tax-exempt, government-owned and controlled corporation (GOCC) of the Philippines, and is attached to the Department of Health.

Its stated goal is to ensure a sustainable national health insurance program for all. In 2010, it claimed to have achieved "universal" coverage at 86% of the population, although the 2008 National Demographic Health Survey showed that only 38 percent of respondents were aware of at least one household member being enrolled in PhilHealth.

Nevertheless, this social insurance program provides a means for the healthy to pay for the care of the sick and for those who can afford medical care to subsidize those who cannot. Both local and national governments allocate funds to subsidize the indigent.

Did you know that Philhealth and its local government health provider, have a lot of benefits and programs may offer? Many of us are not aware of their expanding and progressing program especially for those who really in need with this benefit.

Listed below includes:

1. Outpatient Benefits

As long as you are Philhealth member, even you are not be admitted in hospital you can still use Philhealth to pay covering the out patient several services.

Philhealth covers also non-emergency procedure in which patients can go home within a day. It includes:
-ambulatory or day surgeries (also available in ambulatory surgical clinics accredited by Philhealth)
-radiation therapy
-hemodialysis sessions
-blood transfusions


Tamang Serbisyo Para sa Kalugan ng Pamilya which represent (TSEKAP) program. This program of Philhealth has a primary health care and providing package benifits for indigent and sponsored members, organized groups, migrant workers and also as their legal dependents.

Listed below are the available package benefits services that TSEKAP offer:

-regular blood pressure measurement
-periodic breast exams
-digital rectal exams
It can also be used for diagnostic examinations like:
-complete blood count
-chest x-ray

TSeKaP also pays for drugs and medicines for certain diseases, such as asthma, acute gastroenteritis, upper respiratory tract infection, and urinary tract infection.

3. Mother and Child Benefits
As a health care provider of a government institution Philhealth primarily concern is for every Filipino family.
For those expecting a baby, you get PhilHealth maternity benefits that can partially pay for your delivery and prenatal care.
PhilHealth has a Maternity Care Package that covers:
-births in birthing homes
-midwife clinics, and lying-in clinics.

Also if you are going to give birth in an accredited hospital, you may avail of PhilHealth’s Normal Spontaneous Delivery Package or its Caesarean Section benefit.

The cost benefit depends on the type of delivery and the type of healthcare facility where the delivery takes place, but it typically covers medical facility fees, professional fees, and prenatal care.

Even your baby is entitled to the Newborn Care Package, which includes a physical examination, eye prophylaxis, Vitamin K administration, BCG vaccination, the first dose of Hepatitis B vaccine, and newborn screening tests. Breastfeeding advice is also given to mothers.

4. Z Benefits

The Z Benefits Package includes illnesses classified as case type Z – diseases perceived to be economically and medically catastrophic. It seeks to help out members who are going to have long and expensive treatments because of their illnesses.
Illnesses and operations eligible for Z Benefits include:

-Acute lymphocytic or lymphoblastic leukemia (standard risk)
-Breast cancer (early stage)
-Prostate cancer (low to intermediate risk)
-Kidney transplant (low risk)
-Coronary artery bypass graft surgery (standard risk)
-Tetralogy of Fallot surgery for children
-Ventricular septal defect surgery for children
-Cervical cancer (early stage)
-Selected orthopedic implants
-Colon and rectum cancer
-Prevention of preterm delivery
Sponsored members can get as much as 100% coverage for case type Z diseases, as long as they meet the eligibility and risk requirements posted by PhilHealth.

5. MDG Benefits

You are also eligible for PhilHealth benefits if you are suffering from any illness that is part of PhilHealth’s Millennium Development Goals (MDG).

These diseases include malaria, HIV-AIDS, tuberculosis, and animal bites. You may also get voluntary surgical contraception procedures (vasectomy for men and transection of fallopian tube for women) through PhilHealth’s MDG benefits.
If you’re not a Member of Philhealth now, go on the nearest Philhealth offices and get your Philhealth number and I.D. But make sure take note all of their requirements just visit their website. It is better to secure your health and be aware of all the benefits that you can avail in every government institution.
5 Benefits Of Phil Health That You May Not Aware Of 5 Benefits Of Phil Health That You May Not Aware Of Reviewed by Admiin Artikulo on March 06, 2019 Rating: 5
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