13 Foods You Should NEVER Reheat in the Microwave - They Become Toxic

Microwave is always on the rescue when it comes reheating up your leftover foods. It is easy and convenient to use this especially if you are in hurry and sometimes lazy to cook.

So you would rather to check leftover foods in the refrigerator and it reheat in microwave.

Did you know that all the foods are safe to reheat in microwave? Actually it can be sometime ruins the foods fully. More than that, it can be harmful to our health.

In this article we gather 13 lists of foods that you should not reheat in a microwave, this will serve a health advice to you. Check out the lists down below:

13 Foods That You Should NOT Reheat In A Microwave

1. Rice

If you reheat the rice in a microwave it can lead to fried rice syndrome wherein this a kind of food poisoning caused by the Bacillus cereus bacteria. These forms of bacteria can even live on through being cooked, and when rice is left out at room temperature, this bacterium can truly flourish.

2. Hot Chili Peppers

Capsaicin is a component that it can find in the hot chilli pepper. This component causes them to be so hot and spicy. So, when you reheat it microwave, it can burn your throat and eyes due to how hot it is; this is so serious that people have had to evacuate buildings due to microwaved peppers! They may not explode, but what really happens isn’t much healthier.

3. Broccoli

As we cooked broccoli, it can be steam or half cooked. Because cooking broccoli normally already removes a lot of its naturally positive benefits. Steamed broccoli has 11% of its antioxidants completely stripped off – so you can only imagine what microwaving does! It will totally remove the essential nutrients that broccoli contains.

4. Potatoes

Reheating potatoes it will ruin your health, because potatoes contain C. botulinum, which is a kind of bacteria that grows on potatoes and can cause severe health issues. When cooked in aluminum foil, the bacteria is protected within the foil, so you have to eat it as soon as possible.

5. Chicken

Studies have found that those who cook chicken in a skillet are entirely fine, while those who use a microwave to cook their chicken can wind up with some form of illness. This is because salmonella bacteria survives through the heating process. It’s safe to say chicken is one of the most obvious foods to never reheat in a microwave! Raw chicken needs to be thoroughly cooked in order to kill the bacteria within them.

6. Mushrooms

If you’ve previously cooked mushrooms and there are leftovers, it may be better to dispose them out right away or commit to reheating them absolutely properly. This is because mushrooms, like other types of fungi, are extremely vulnerable to bad bacteria and other microorganisms.

7. Eggs

Unshelled eggs or whole eggs with shells on them should never be boiled in the microwave. The maximum temperatures reached during the microwaving process can lead to a lot of internal pressure. This goes for microwaving already hard-boiled eggs, too. Basically, eggs have a history of exploding in a rush of painfully hot steam and causing burns.

8. Frozen Fruit

Defrosting fruits with the use of microwave is not good idea. It will remove a lot of the positive properties and health benefits you would have gotten from them. It can lead to illness and cause your immune system to go down when you eat those forcefully defrosted fruits later. Your best bet is to simply defrost frozen fruit in your fridge a few hours before they’re needed, or even overnight.

9. Red Sauces

In any red pasta dishes with sauce that has tomato chunks can block steam from escaping the sauce properly. Then, all of a sudden, the sauce explodes outwards due to built-up pressure – and you’ll be left to clean up the horrible mess that comes out of it. Even if there aren’t tomato chunks in our pasta sauce, it’s likely still going to be too thick to have the steam escape from within easily. It’s best to put a saucepan on the stove and stir the sauce on low heat until its warm instead.

10. Processed Meat

The causing microwaved processed meats may contain oxidized cholesterol thanks to the radiation from the microwave. This can, in turn, cause an increased risk of heart disease. Not to mention that processed meats have all sorts of bad effects, from causing weight gain to resulting in decreased positive thinking, and even lessening your energy levels.

11. Bread

The gluten within it, as well as the sugar and starch, gets a little weird when it is microwaved. Putting bread in the microwave for a variation of warm toast isn’t going to end very well for you. It isn’t going to cause any health or safety hazards, luckily, so there’s a positive. Still, we wouldn’t recommend trying to reheat bread in the microwave. As an alternative, use foil to wrap your bread and put it in the oven. Although it takes just a touch longer, it will also taste and feel much better.

12. Leafy Greens

Electrical engineering professor Mark Golkowski explains that some vegetables have different properties that can actually cause microwaves to spark. This will not only burn your veggies, but it may also break your appliance. Examples of leafy green foods are spinach, celery, kale, and more often find their way into our leftovers.

13. Food That Has Already Been Reheated

It doesn’t matter if you reheat on the stove first and want to reheat in the microwave next; it’s all bad when you’re reheating too many times.

The process of cooled and heat over and over again is not good practice. It has a greater chance that bacteria has grown on the food and become dangerous to eat. You can reheat what you only need and the rest you can turn it back to fridge.

Hope this article brings awareness of which food you need to avoid reheating in a microwave. In this way, you can be sure that your eating what is good particularly how it cooked and served. Be wise and Be healthy!
13 Foods You Should NEVER Reheat in the Microwave - They Become Toxic 13 Foods You Should NEVER Reheat in the Microwave - They Become Toxic Reviewed by Admiin Artikulo on March 25, 2019 Rating: 5
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