Drink This On An Empty Stomach For A Week And Lose Those Extra Pounds

If you listen to the weight loss industry, you've been told over and over how easy it is to lose weight just take this pill, follow that diet or buy this piece of equipment and everything will melt away in a flash.

In fact, we spend over billions of dollars each year on weight loss products and services and yet we're still overweight.

There's no shortcut to weight loss, but you can make the process easier with a few simple changes.

The idea behind weight loss is simple--burn more calories than you eat.

This can be accomplished by replacing a couple of sodas with water and adding at least 30 minutes of exercise every day.

Here we give you a very simple drink that so effective, it can eventually burn fats overnight.

Besides the vitamins and minerals it can provide, this drink will also improves the digestion and throws out the extra liquids from your body.


– 1 lemon
– 60g parsley
– 2 oz water


1. Cut the lemon in halves and squeeze the lemon juice.

2. Chop the parsley as nicely as you can.

3. Mix the ingredients in a glass then add water.

As with most weight loss recipes, it’s important to consume it on an empty stomach. This will boost the recipe’s effectiveness. Drink for 6 days then take a 10-day break.
Drink This On An Empty Stomach For A Week And Lose Those Extra Pounds Drink This On An Empty Stomach For A Week And Lose Those Extra Pounds Reviewed by Health Blogger on February 16, 2019 Rating: 5
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